Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Your investment plan

Top ten reasons to invest in the Neil corperation------

1: Its named after Neil
2: shares are as low as $3 apeice
3: other stock holders are boaring
4: we have casual attire days
5: we have pie
6: our benifits are so awesome we dont need ten

Why Neil Corp?

Our unique investment plans are like no other company's. Instead of silly products or metals we invest in negative odd integers.
...Wait What?

Thats right negative odd numbers.
Ummmm Ok?

You seem confused.
I really am.

Ok try to keep up. Everyone knows that with rarity comes value. If number decreases earnings increase. It has come to our that an odd number times another odd number is another odd number. However an odd number times an even is an even number. Likewise an even number times another even number is an even number. Thats 2 to 1. Therefore with the increasing number of mathiniticians worldwide not to mention school programs the number of odds will go down with the number of evens skyrocketing. Thus our -3s and -5s and soforth will skyrocket in value.

As for the negatives the product of a negative and a positive is a negative, but like evens a positive and a positive make another positive as do two odds. Therefore the number will decrease increasing value ect.


You figure that all by yourselves?


So how exactly do you plan to "invest in" odd negative numbers?

I apologize but we cannot reveal that infromation at this time.
So why did you put it in your Q&A? That just makes you look bad.

Dont ask silly questions.
Fine be that way.


for more information visit our website or email our help service at ugugoo832@gmail.com

Thank You
-Neil Mcdonough investment corperation

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